'Concerning behaviour': 100-pound cougar struts across B.C. family's deck
A cougar living on Bowen Island is making its presence known and one recent
encounter has conservation officers concerned. In just 28 hours, two people
Fred Sarkari Courage to be Naked
If you are like me connecting with others is an important part of your life. I can’t imagine a week without meeting some one new. Connecting is a lost skill that many don't know how to do well, and many of us avoid.
Especially if this means speaking in public.
A friend of mine, keynote speaker Fred Sarkari, has just released his newest book “Courage to be Naked” The Ultimate Guide To Presenting & Communicating Your Message and is offering it free to my friends and contacts.
You pay the shipping of 5.95 and he will send you the book. (He also has a workbook for an additional dollar if you want)
Fred is giving away his book away to help support the charity AboutFace.ca. His goal is to raise money for their summer camps for children dealing with facial differences. Check out the link below for more information on the book offer.
I made a donation for 20 dollars because I got a tax receipt. Where else can you get a great book, work book, and support a worthwhile cause for less than 28 bucks? (That is less than 20 dollars after the tax deduction)
Anyway I thought you’d like to know. Please add your comments on your favourite part of the book below.
(No pressure but this offer is open for a limited time)
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2 Response to "Fred Sarkari Courage to be Naked"
I just got my book today. Looking forward to the weekend, book and hot cup of coffee.
Thanks Fred
Mike, you are an amazing man. Thank you.
Please do let me know how you like the book.
Your comments are appreciated. Please Do Not include links in your comments but instead select the profile setting as "Name/Url". Have fun and thanks for your comments!