Fired employees fear beloved Yosemite National Park will lose its luster
Yosemite National Park employees who recently were fired by the Trump
administration worry cuts will affect the experience of visitors and the
welfare of w...
Protect Your Family - Links and Resources
If you are like me ... you are always looking for ideas on how to make better choices with your money.
The links provided below center around the three parts to better Protect Your Family including term insurance, establishing an emergency fund and managing your cash flow.
The links are here for your convenience and are for information and education purposes only.
Mortgage Insurance is meant to offer peace of mind ... but does it?Most people pay the premiums and think they're covered. But some have discovered - when it's too late - that they aren't. Courtesy of CBC Market Place December 2008
Term Insurance vs Whole lifeWhy is term always better than whole life or universal life insurance. Courtesy of Dave Ramsey Show March 2008.
The Importance of an Emergency FundAfter you have insurance but before you accelerate and pay down your debt, establishing an emergency fund is critical. Courtesy of CNBC and Suzy Orman June 2009
Spending Smarter CalculatorUse "Spending Smarter" website to avoid common pitfalls andmaximize the amount of money you have at your Disposal. Four calculators provided including:
Mike Hassard Kelowna
Financial Blog of Unknown | Life Insurance Debt Investing Mutual Funds |
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