Judge rejects immediately restoring AP's access to White House but urges
government to reconsider (World)
A federal judge on Monday refused to immediately order the White House to
restore The Associated Press' access to presidential events, saying the
news ...
Speak with Power - Fred Sarkari
We've all been there before. We are asked to speak for our son/daughters wedding, give a talk to our co-workers or present to a potential client ... now what are you going to do. What will you say? What if you make a mistake? Maybe you can call in sick or say only a few words and get off the stage quickly.
It has been said the number one fear of every Canadian is speaking in front of a group. Even more than the fear of dying ... public speaking can turn a strong burly man (like myself) into a crying baby.
I read a book sent to me by friend of mine Fred Sarkari called "Speaking with Power". When is comes to public speaking Fred knows what he is talking about because public speaking is what he does for a living. He has spoke to the likes of Microsoft, BMW, Coca Cola just to name a few.
Needless to say I found the book a great resource for those of us that want to improve our public speaking skills. Get a free copy here.
The things he covers include understanding your audience, how to create content, using technology. He also spends a great deal of time on how to prepare and build confidence.
If you are in a field that demands speaking skills like a mortgage broker, financial professional, lawyer, real estate agent, or business owner (or if you are father preparing for an up coming marriage) get a free copy of his E-Book "Speak with Power".
I also understand Fred is Speaking in November in Kelowna ... and the tickets are under 50 dollars. Make sure to check out the video on his website too. Once I get the details I will let you know.
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