Kamloops city council opts to partially defer annual RCMP officer hire to
reduce property taxes (Kamloops)
Kamloops city council has opted to partially defer the hiring of some new
RCMP officers this year in a bid to reduce the property tax rate. Council
Shopping on Facebook
Christmas in just two months away and there will be a new way to shop and it as close as your favorite social media site.
Target and Facebook are working together to offer gift cards just in time for the holiday season.
Target and Facebook are working together to offer gift cards just in time for the holiday season.
As it was with Google, Facebook has found a way to make money using its social platform and helping it's members shop at the same time.
Now if that wasn't enough Facebook has aquired Nextstop the social travel sight. Now you can travel using Facebook too.
I kind of makes you wonder what Facebook will look like another 6 - 12 months. Soon they will be offering pictures, video and comunication services.
What am I saying they already do ...
What am I saying they already do ...
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